refine current date/time hotkey handling

Desktop / LibreOffice - Eike Rathke [] - 20 August 2014 06:43 UTC

Nearing the "do what I mean" principle..

- key date on time cell => current date + time of cell => date+time formatted cell
- unless time cell was empty or 00:00 time => current date => date formatted cell
- key date on date+time cell => current date + 00:00 time => date+time formatted cell
- unless date was current date => current date => date formatted cell
- key date on other cell => current date => date formatted cell
- key time on date cell => date of cell + current time => date+time formatted cell
- unless date cell was empty => current time => time formatted cell
- key time on date+time cell => current time => time formatted cell
- unless cell was empty => current date+time => date+time formatted cell
- key time on other cell => current time => time formatted cell

32e8c47 refine current date/time hotkey handling
sc/source/ui/view/viewfun6.cxx | 87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
1 file changed, 73 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)


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