theme: Make sure to clear the entirety of buttons properly

Desktop / GNOME / Mutter - Jasper St. Pierre [] - 23 June 2015 17:27 UTC

In commit cc5def1, buttons were changed from GdkRectangles to MetaButtonSpace units, but the corresponding memset hack was not.

This means that the clickable portion of the unshade rectangle was always set to uninitalized memory. The effects of this were random, but in cases where the moon is aligned just right, the rectangle would graze over the borders, and so it would take priority over other borders and show a pointer cursor instead of a resize cursor.

12771a5 theme: Make sure to clear the entirety of buttons properly
src/ui/theme-private.h | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)


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