ivi-layout: implement surface clipping

Graphics / Wayland / Weston - Nobuhiko Tanibata [xddp.denso.co.jp] - 26 August 2015 03:12 UTC

View clip region is set in surface-local coordinates. To compute that region, the ivi-layer destination rectangle in the global coordinates are transformed back into the surface-local coordinates.

The transformation is computed by first forming the transformation matric for the forward mappings, and then inverting it. The inverse matric is used to transform the destination rectangles to the surface-local coordinate system. The intersection of the rectangles is the view clip mask.

acbcc6c ivi-layout: implement surface clipping
ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c | 147 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 141 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

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