arm64: add indirection to C entry point

Hardware / Coreboot - Aaron Durbin [] - 27 March 2015 02:04 UTC

To allow setting the entry point for the secondary CPUs provide a pointer, c_entry, which contains the location to branch to after setting up the stack.

BUG=chrome-os-partner:31545 BRANCH=None TEST=Built and booted to the kernel on ryu.

Change-Id: I03e54b081aa5ff70b90fbd7f1b243fdb4f42c5a6

3a0013d arm64: add indirection to C entry point
src/arch/arm64/c_entry.c | 8 ++++++++
src/arch/arm64/stage_entry.S | 8 +++++++-
2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)


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