haswell: enable cache-as-ram migration

Hardware / Coreboot - Aaron Durbin [chromium.org] - 15 May 2013 18:30 UTC

The haswell code allows for vboot ramstage verification. However, that code path relies on accessing global cache-as-ram
variables after cache-as-ram is torn down. In order to avoid that situation enable cache-as-ram migration.

cbmemc_reinit() no longer needs to be called from romstage because it is invoked automatically by the cache-as-ram migration infrastructure.

Change-Id: I08998dca579c167699030e1e24ea0af8802c0758

5b54d35 haswell: enable cache-as-ram migration
src/cpu/intel/haswell/Kconfig | 1 +
src/cpu/intel/haswell/romstage.c | 5 -----
2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 5 deletions(-)

Upstream: review.coreboot.org

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