intel/kunimitsu: add nhlt support

Hardware / Coreboot - Naresh G Solanki [] - 17 January 2016 17:45 UTC

Provide an option for including the NHLT blobs within the kunimitsu mainboard directory while also adding the ACPI NHLT table generation that the current hardware supports.

Kunimitsu does support two audio codec, ADI and MAXIM, hence use AUDIO_DB_ID to read correct codec and craete NHLT table, this will also help to load only one amplifier ASL for machine driver consumption.

BUG=chrome-os-partner:44481 BRANCH=None TEST=Built and booted kunimitsu board. Audio worked with both ADI and MAXIM audio card. CQ-DEPEND=CL:316352

Change-Id: Ic9b9af83a0229fdf5f1cb019245ae65ad9d2f06c

06b0098 intel/kunimitsu: add nhlt support
src/mainboard/intel/kunimitsu/Kconfig | 8 +++
src/mainboard/intel/kunimitsu/acpi/mainboard.asl | 21 ++++++--
src/mainboard/intel/kunimitsu/mainboard.c | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


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