tegra132: psci: add cpu_on/off support

Hardware / Coreboot - Joseph Lo [nvidia.com] - 10 April 2015 13:48 UTC

The CPU on/off functions are the method for the Kernel to support CPU hot-plug function in PSCI. To support this, we still need flow controller support to capture the WFI from the CPU and inform PMC to power gate the CPU core. On the other path, we turn on the CPU by toggling the PMC and use flow controller to let go when the power is steady.

BUG=chrome-os-partner:32136 BRANCH=None TEST=built the kernel with PSCI enabled, check both of the CPUs are coming up, test the CPU hot-plug is working on Ryu

Change-Id: If2c529b6719c5747d5aea95fb5049b2d7353ff17

e28fd36 tegra132: psci: add cpu_on/off support
src/soc/nvidia/tegra132/Makefile.inc | 2 +
src/soc/nvidia/tegra132/flow_ctrl.c | 96 +++++++++++++++++++++++
src/soc/nvidia/tegra132/include/soc/flow_ctrl.h | 26 ++++++
src/soc/nvidia/tegra132/psci.c | 75 +++++++++++++++++-
4 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Upstream: review.coreboot.org

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