tegra132: support GIC secondary cpu support

Hardware / Coreboot - Aaron Durbin [chromium.org] - 27 March 2015 02:04 UTC

For the secondary CPUs the set of banked registers needs to be initialized. In the boot CPU path all both the CPU's banked registers and the global register set is initialized.

BUG=chrome-os-partner:31545 BRANCH=None TEST=Built and brought up 2nd cpu in kernel.

Change-Id: I3a7bc708f726c4435afca817a251790f536844d9

97b78cb tegra132: support GIC secondary cpu support
src/soc/nvidia/tegra132/gic.c | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Upstream: review.coreboot.org

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