e - video bgs - allow selection of video files for wallpapers

Desktop / Enlightenment / Enlightenment - Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) [rasterman.com] - 5 February 2016 03:35 UTC

this allows video files to be played for wapapers - they loop and run indefinitely. it is a special video object that shares the same source across all outputs, so if you have the same video set, on 2 screens (or desktops) then it's only decoded once and uses proxies to ducplicate. this works in the pager too (it uses proxies).

this is for amusement and fun and ... because we can. :)

be1b11c e - video bgs - allow selection of video files for wallpapers
src/bin/Makefile.mk | 2 +
src/bin/e_bg.c | 21 +-
src/bin/e_includes.h | 1 +
src/bin/e_video.c | 353 +++++++++++++++++++++++
src/bin/e_video.h | 10 +
src/bin/e_widget_bgpreview.c | 117 ++++++--
src/modules/conf_theme/e_int_config_wallpaper.c | 18 +-
7 files changed, 490 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

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