title-box: Make EphyTitleBox honor the location window property

Desktop / GNOME / Epiphany - Carlos Garcia Campos [igalia.com] - 19 February 2014 06:12 UTC

When the location bar is disabled in the window chrome, use the title mode unconditionally and don't allow to switch to entry mode. App mode disables the location in the window chrome by default so the EphyTitleBox doesn't need to know the embed mode.


827cfd6 title-box: Make EphyTitleBox honor the location window property
src/ephy-title-box.c | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
src/ephy-title-box.h | 1 -
src/ephy-window.c | 3 ++
3 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

Upstream: git.gnome.org

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