MSVC Builds: Clean up Introspection Builds

Desktop / GNOME / GTK - Chun-wei Fan [] - 1 July 2014 00:15 UTC

Since g-i 1.40.0 we are using the .lib file(s) to determine the DLL(s) that the introspection files should look for, instead of directly using the DLL(s) directly, so it is no longer necessary to make copies of the GDK .lib file to match the - convention when we are building the introspection files for GdkWin32. Remove that from the introspection build process as a result.

9822891 MSVC Builds: Clean up Introspection Builds
build/gtk-introspection-msvc.mak | 7 +------
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 6 deletions(-)


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