popover: Make it possible to constrain to toplevel

Desktop / GNOME / GTK - Matthias Clasen [redhat.com] - 1 December 2015 16:26 UTC

Under X11, popovers are always constrained to the toplevel window. Under Wayland, they aren't. This commit adds a property that allows to explicitly constrain popovers to the toplevel, giving them the same behavior under Wayland as under X11.


e626038 popover: Make it possible to constrain to toplevel
docs/reference/gtk/gtk3-sections.txt | 3 ++
gtk/gtkenums.h | 19 ++++++++
gtk/gtkpopover.c | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
gtk/gtkpopover.h | 7 +++
4 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Upstream: git.gnome.org

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