doxygen: Remove src/mesa/shader/ references

Graphics / Mesa 3D Graphics Library / Mesa - Rhys Kidd [] - 13 April 2016 07:43 UTC

Mesa has not had a src/mesa/shader/ folder since Mesa 7.9 removed it in October 2010, as part of a revised GLSL compiler written by Intel.

Remove doxygen/shader.doxy and consequential changes made throughout.

In addition to removing an unnecessary Doxygen doxyfile, this change also avoids a bug in the consolidated Doxygen output caused by doxygen/shader.doxy inadvertently overwriting doxygen/swrast.tag via its GENERATE_TAGFILE setting.

This bug depended upon the specific order each *.tag was built.

cf3bc91 doxygen: Remove src/mesa/shader/ references
doxygen/.gitignore | 1 -
doxygen/Makefile | 1 -
doxygen/doxy.bat | 2 --
doxygen/header.html | 1 -
doxygen/main.doxy | 1 -
doxygen/shader.doxy | 49 -------------------------------------------------
doxygen/tnl.doxy | 1 -
doxygen/tnl_dd.doxy | 1 -
doxygen/vbo.doxy | 1 -
9 files changed, 58 deletions(-)


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