completions/bash: Add a completion file for piglit

Graphics / Mesa 3D Graphics Library / Piglit - Dylan Baker [] - 3 March 2016 13:32 UTC

This file is a bash completion library for the 'piglit' command, it is as complete and accurate as I can get it with my limited knowledge and patience for bash.

It does require the _filedir function from bash_completions, which is provided by most Linux distributions, the BSD's, and can be installed on OSX via homebrew or macports. I made this decisions over using the builtin features from bash because the builtins don't handle spaces in file and folder names, and don't allow restrictions to be placed on the type or extension like _filedir does.

0e1d780 completions/bash: Add a completion file for piglit
completions/bash/piglit | 435 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 435 insertions(+)


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