dir-locals.el: Adds White Space support

Graphics / Mesa 3D Graphics Library / Piglit - Andres Gomez [igalia.com] - 14 November 2016 11:19 UTC

The White Space package, which is available since GNU Emacs 22, is loaded and activated locally in prog-mode and cmake-mode.

Also, using White Space variables, we set highlighting through faces on wrong indentation and the maximum length of a coding line.

Notice that:- The highlighting for the characters beyond the set length of a coding line is not activated by default, only for wrong indentations.- If the White Space package is not available, errors on loading or activation are ignored.- If the White Space mode is not activated the set variables would not have any effect.

v2: python-mode inherits from prog-mode
v3: Removed too long lines trail highlighting, as suggested by Ilia Mirkin.

16fabfb dir-locals.el: Adds White Space support
.dir-locals.el | 17 +++++++++++++----
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

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