util/wfl: Remove hacks for compat contexts

Graphics / Mesa 3D Graphics Library / Piglit - Chad Versace [linux.intel.com] - 10 January 2014 15:04 UTC

When a test requested a compatibility context, Piglit did not pass the context version to Waffle. Instead, Piglit requested an unversioned compatibility context and then verified with piglit_get_gl_version() that the actual version was >= requested version.

This hack prevented Piglit from creating forward-compatible contexts, because, according to thw EGL_KHR_create_context spec, "requesting a forward-compatible context for OpenGL versions less than 3.0 will generate an error."

Remove the hack. Pass the requested context version to Waffle.

2a9e1aa util/wfl: Remove hacks for compat contexts
.../piglit-framework-gl/piglit_wfl_framework.c | 23 +++++---------------
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

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