Encoding PG_UHC is code page 949.

Enterprise / PostgreSQL - Noah Misch [leadboat.com] - 14 August 2015 19:23 UTC

This fixes presentation of non-ASCII messages to the Windows event log and console in rare cases involving Korean locale. Processes like the postmaster and checkpointer, but not processes attached to databases, were affected. Back-patch to 9.4, where MessageEncoding was introduced. The problem exists in all supported versions, but this change has no effect in the absence of the code recognizing PG_UHC MessageEncoding.

Noticed while investigating bug #13427 from Dmitri Bourlatchkov.

ec79978 Encoding PG_UHC is code page 949.
src/backend/utils/mb/encnames.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Upstream: git.postgresql.org

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