XCB/XVideo: do not fallback to YUYV output for RGB inputs

Multimedia / VLC - Rémi Denis-Courmont [remlab.net] - 5 October 2014 14:46 UTC

If the XVideo driver does not provide any RGB image format, then we are definitely better off with GLX than XVideo. Consider:- GLX supports proper subpicture blending - not XVideo,
- GLX does not need chroma conversion - XVideo does in this case.

This change makes no difference if the XVideo driver supports RGB.

2c1940d XCB/XVideo: do not fallback to YUYV output for RGB inputs
modules/video_output/xcb/xvideo.c | 5 ++---
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Upstream: git.videolan.org

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