i965/gen9: Add hs, ds, and cs thread + urb info

Graphics / Mesa 3D Graphics Library / Mesa - Ben Widawsky [intel.com] - 31 July 2015 00:39 UTC

For SKL: These are the production values.

For BXT: These are low estimates to enable platforms.

This patch was originally part of i965/skl: Add production thread counts and URB size but was split out at Jordan's request (which I found to be reasonable).

Note on stable inclusion: 10.6 does not care about hs, and ds. It does care about cs, but since Jordan was the one that asked me to extract it, I'll leave it up to him to deal with a backport to stable is required.

383558c i965/gen9: Add hs, ds, and cs thread + urb info
src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_device_info.c | 10 ++++++++++
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)

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