polygon-offset: Remove a lot of redundant state setup

Graphics / Mesa 3D Graphics Library / Piglit - Ian Romanick [intel.com] - 29 September 2015 16:33 UTC

Move some of the rest to piglit_init.

Table 6.10 (page 275) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_DEPTH_RANGE (set by glDepthRange) is initially 0,1.

Table 6.10 (page 275) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_NORMALIZE is initially disabled.

Table 6.11 (page 276) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_FOG is initially disabled.

Table 6.12 (page 277) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_COLOR_MATERIAL is initially disabled.

Table 6.12 (page 277) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_LIGHTING is initially disabled.

Table 6.14 (page 279) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE is initially disabled.

Table 6.14 (page 279) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_POLYGON_MODE (set by glPolygonMode) is initially GL_FILL.

Table 6.14 (page 279) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_FRONT_FACE (set by glFrontFace) is initially GL_CCW.

Table 6.14 (page 279) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_CULL_FACE_MODE (set by glCullFace) is initially GL_BACK.

Table 6.16 (page 281) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_TEXTURE_*D is initially disabled.

Table 6.20 (page 285) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_ALPHA_TEST is initially disabled.

Table 6.20 (page 285) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_SCISSOR_TEST is initially disabled.

Table 6.20 (page 285) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_STENCIL_TEST is initially disabled.

Table 6.21 (page 286) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_BLEND is initially disabled.

Table 6.21 (page 286) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP is initially disabled.

Table 6.22 (page 287) in the OpenGL 2.1 spec says that GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE (set by glClearColor) is initially 0,0,0,0.

Section 4.2.2 (Fine Control of Buffer Updates) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec says (about glColorMask):

"In the initial state, all bits (in color index mode) and all color
values (in RGBA mode) are enabled for writing."

and (about glDepthMask):

"In the initial state, the depth buffer is enabled for writing."

5d772ea polygon-offset: Remove a lot of redundant state setup
tests/spec/gl-1.4/polygon-offset.c | 35 ++++-------------------------------
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

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